Pokoje Leopard

698 30...
ul. Świerkowa, Przyjezierze, Jeziora Wielkie, kujawsko-pomorskie
per night from
40 PLN

Prices - additional information

we offer room type number price [PLN]
studiofor 2 personal340-80/person


Rooms stylishly designed, cosy and quiet, comfortable, with bathrooms and kitchenettes.

About us

On the premises parking lot.

Additionally on the premises place for grill, garden, garden furniture, terrace.


Nice and friendly atmosphere, comfortable rooms guarantee perfect relaxation!

Atrybuty / atuty

Ważne informacje

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Poszukiwane miejsca w okolicy

- Kościół Św. Jana Chrzciciela w Jeziorach Wielkich ~ 2.62 km