
698 30...
ul. Gdańska, Jantar, pomorskie
per night from
74 PLN
number of beds

Prices - additional information

we offer room type number price [PLN]
apartmentfor 5 person(s)2420/apartment
roomfor 2 person(s)8160-180/room
roomfor 3 person(s)1220/room
roomfor 4 person(s)2320/room


rooms with bathrooms, in the room; LCD, air conditioning, internet, kettle, some rooms with terraces,

About us

On the premises parking lot, on the premises; gazebo, garden, possibility of barbecue, terrace, heating. Equipped kitchen available, Pets welcome.

Our attractions

Bicycles for active people. For children; playground, swing, sandbox,

Atrybuty / atuty

Ważne informacje

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