Domki Góralskie Filip

698 30...
Solina, Polańczyk, podkarpackie
per night from
48 PLN
number of beds

Prices - additional information

we offer room type number price [PLN]
apartmentfor 4 person(s)3190-270/apartment


Rooms: with a view of the lake, with a view of the mountains.



Apartment consists of: living-room, fully equipped kitchen, bathroom, 2 bedrooms.

About us

On the premises: parking lot.

Additionally on the premises: garden arbour.

The facility is: fenced.

The facility is open: from May to September.

Our attractions

For children: trampoline, swing.

For the active guest we offer: bikes.


We warmly invite you to a holiday!

We believe that our offer meets your expectations.

Atrybuty / atuty

Oferta dla

Ważne informacje

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