
698 30...
Małastów, Sękowa, małopolskie
per night from
95 PLN
number of beds

Prices - additional information

we offer room type number price [PLN]
cottagefor 4 person(s)2490-530/house
cottagefor 6 person(s)2630-720/house
summer housefor 8 personal1770-810/home
summer housefor 10 personal1950-1000/home

Camping prices - additional information

Under the Stars - an outdoor bed. A replacement house in case of inclement weather.

Price for 2 people - 390 PLN/day.


Dosbajka cottages are 4-person cottages with kitchenettes and bathrooms.

Chyża is a 6-person house with a kitchenette and a bathroom.

Kalyna is a 6-person house with a kitchenette and a bathroom.

Orestówka is an 8-person house with a kitchenette and a bathroom. An exclusive sauna is available to guests.

Wirchnia is a house with 4 bedrooms, a living room with a kitchenette, a bathroom and a terrace.

About us

We accept pets.

Our attractions

At guests' disposal for an additional fee - sauna, Jacuzzi, Russian banya.


It is worth taking advantage of our offer. Satisfaction guaranteed!

Atrybuty / atuty

Ważne informacje

Pobliskie miejscowości

Sękowa ~6.0 km
Gorlice ~12.4 km
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Poszukiwane miejsca w okolicy

- OSIR Małastów ~ 332 m
- Cmentarz wojenny z I wojny światowej nr 65 w Małastowie ~ 708 m
- Cmentarz Katolicki w Małastowie ~ 780 m
- Kościół Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Maryi Panny w Sękowej ~ 780 m
- Magura Ski Park ~ 1.64 km
- Magura Małastowska ~ 2.16 km